Ice Cream Follow-up

Anne and I took the ice cream over to some friends yesterday (and we made quick work of it).

Some notes:
- For the next batch I will add less cream (in the quest for lower caloric content while still tasting good). This batch was very creamy (and good), but I think a little less will be OK. I am thinking that I will double the batch (as the ice cream maker has 2x the capacity of what I made last time) with the same amount of cream and see how it turns out.
- The ice crystals were a little larger than I would like (the texture was just a tad bit not smooth enough). I'm probably going to make that worse by using less fat in the next batch, but I think I can compensate by leaving it in the mixer longer (apparently commercial ice cream makers use extremely cold freezers to prevent larger ice crystals from forming, but that's not really an option for me).
- If you add fresh fruit to ice cream, they become little fruit ice cubes (which is obvious in retrospect). While that's not an entirely bad thing, cooking the fruit with a little syrup (sugar and water) would yield a more expected texture.

That's about it. I think the next batch will still be mint chocolate chip even though we don't have enough peppermint leaves (and I don't want to wait the 3 weeks for the extract we're going to make to be ready before I make the next batch).

I need to remember to get a container or two to hold the ice cream in the freezer with the next time I visit Meijer.

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The Mint Chocolate chip tastes quite good. It has the appropriate amount of creamy-minty-chocolate goodness. Having less milk-fat in the... Read More


i like ice cream.

I know.

I plan on having some available when you come over :-)

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