End of the Year

I'm about to enter my traditional week of Christmas period of time that I'm off of work.

I'm really looking forward to the break.

And just after I get back into things, I'll be taking more time off for MacWorld Expo. Which should be really cool.

That is all.



Ah hah, I found you.

I found Phil Ratzsch too.

And I'm going to Macworld. See you there?

Should have been fairly easy as I've been the first google hit for "Daniel Luke" for a while ;-)

It would be cool to meet up at the show.

I'm gonna be there either Wednesday or Friday, let me know if you'll be around. Would be great to catch up.

My cell is 650-283-4218

I'm flying back on Friday, so I don't know if I'll be going to the show (I would only be there in the morning, if so). I'll definitely be there on Wednesday, though (probably Thursday too).

I'll send you a separate email with my cell phone number (even though it's sitting on my readily-available resume).

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